✔There are currently many studies showing how potent of a medicine it is and its various applications and benefits.
✔It is rich in polysaccharides, which the body uses as a primary source of energy.
✔With all of its beneficial constituents, it’s a great all around health booster.
1. Anti-inflammatory
2. Anti-oxidant
3. Anti-aging
4. Anti-tumour
5. Anti-cancer
6. Anti-microbial
7. Anti-viral
8. Anti-fungal
9. Neuroprotective
10. Liver protective
11. Reno protective
12. Pneumo protective
13. Increase sex drive
✔In nature, cordyceps militaris is a parasitic fungus, using the body of arthropods such as caterpillars as a host to develop.
✔To cultivate it however, it can be grown on a brown rice medium or various agar mixes.
✔It should be exposed to light and kept in an environment between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
✔To maintain the medicinal benefits however, it is suggested to have some sort of insect otherwise
the mushroom will be mostly starch.
✔You could try putting different moth larvae or silk work pupa in your substrate.
✔Cordyceps Militaris forms long, cylindrical, orange to red fruit bodies that grow 20-50mm high.
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